Best Foods to eat in Summer Season

By choosing the right foods in summer, we can keep the body hydrated, light, cool and energized. Excessive heat not only causes discomfort, but also worsens the condition of our stomach, which causes trouble sleeping, fatigue and absent mind.

Spicy foods and hot salty curries, which are part of our country’s tradition, sensitize the heat-sensing cells in the mouth, leading to increased blood circulation and increased sweating, which cools the body. It does, however, these things are not so easy to eat in the heat. Eating junk food rich in fat can be heavy on the health.

Drinks perfect for summer

Consuming more water is good, but make sure you are drinking the right amount of fluids. Drinking too much sugary drinks or cold drinks is not good for health even if you crave them. You should drink more of the following in summer.

Coconut water:

Its simple sweetness, electrolytes and essential minerals keep the body hydrated. There is also evidence that coconut water has cancer-fighting as well as anti-aging properties. Enjoy the pulp inside and feast on the vitamins, minerals and potassium it contains.

Lemon Water:

Like coconut water, fresh lemon water is refreshing and full of vitamin C, and is good for health. You can have it sweet, salty, with a pinch of black salt or cumin powder. Drink it very cold so that the amount of vitamin C in the body is adequate along with the heat.

Buttermilk Lassi:

Yogurt is soothing and antipyretic. You can also make a cold glass of lassi and sweet or spicy raita with it.

Cold coffee:

If you need a lot of caffeine to start your day, you can replace your morning coffee with cold coffee. Cold coffee also reduces the risk of skin cancer that you may be prone to in this scorching heat.

Green Tea:

Instead of drinking more tea, try green tea, which is a healthier and lighter choice. It also fulfills your need to energize just like tea itself. Iced tea can also be a good choice.

Fruits suitable for summer


A drink made from raw curry is absolutely refreshing and protects against heat stroke. As summer progresses, yellow mangoes will start appearing in the market and you can treat yourself to their rich sweetness and energizing milkshakes.


This fruit is an excellent source of antioxidants, electrolytes, sodium and potassium that help fight heart disease, arthritis, asthma and many types of cancer.


It is also a delicious summer fruit which contains 90% water. It is rich in plant-derived minerals, vitamin A and xanthinin (an important nutrient). Vitamins A and Z Xanthan are great for eyesight.


They are rich in potassium. A banana can help restore your body’s dehydration caused by excessive sweating.


It is a fruit but it is an important part of salad. Tomatoes are like a natural sunscreen that protects against sun damage.

Vegetables suitable for summer

Thus, eating green vegetables is very beneficial throughout the year, but it can be especially beneficial in the summer. Vegetables should not be overcooked as this can lose their water content and natural nutrients.


Containing 96.4% water, this crisp vegetable has immense cooling, rehydrating and detoxifying properties.
They are also rich in fiber that helps relieve constipation, as well as vitamins A, B1, B6, C and D, calcium, potassium and folate.


Onion has great cooling properties. Red onions are especially rich in halothane, which is a natural anti-allergen and acts as an antihistamine. Histamine is the pain factor that causes severe reactions to heat wounds and insect bites or stings. Therefore, eating onions daily can be helpful in reducing summer complaints.


This common herb can be used in drinks or added to yogurt to make raita. Also, use mint in delicious chutneys to spice up your meals. It doesn’t help to lower your body temperature but it is still very refreshing.
You can make a variety of delicious salads by combining the above fruits and vegetables, sprinkling them with olive oil, salt, pepper and a few drops of lemon and serving them with a fresh and crisp dressing.

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