How constipation can be cured of children

Many children become constipated in the normal routine. If the parents do not know in time that their child is suffering from medical symptoms like constipation, the child may also face severe stomach and colon problems. As children’s body parts are delicate, they may experience severe effects of constipation.
Many parents seem worried because of this, how will they know if their child is constipated or not?

If your child is showing the following symptoms, understand that he is suffering from constipation.

Child having bowel movements less than three times a week.
Pain while passing stool.
Baby crying or fussing while defecating.
Loss of appetite.
Stomach pain.
Bleeding with stool.

If your child shows these symptoms, you need to get him checked up by a pediatric specialist immediately. Because if these symptoms are not tried to be controlled in time, the child may not only face severe anxiety but may also suffer from pain.
A pediatric specialist will prescribe certain medications to treat constipation in children. Along with these medicines, he may also prescribe some home remedies that will help relieve constipation in children.

Treatment of constipation in children

If your child suffers from constipation, these remedies may be helpful for them.

Excessive use of water

If the mother is breastfeeding the baby, the chances of the baby being constipated are very less. Breast milk is easiest for a baby to digest. When the baby digests the food (mother’s milk) easily, he does not face constipation. In contrast, babies who drink formula milk or canned milk have a higher risk of stomach problems such as constipation. Children who drink canned milk and become constipated need to drink more water. When you make your child drink more water, it will reduce the severity of constipation.

Increased consumption of juices

Some children do not like to consume large amounts of water, and it is difficult to explain to them how water is good for them. On the contrary, children are very fond of juices, so they should be made to consume juices in large quantities. However, try to get your child to drink natural fruit juices such as grapefruit juice. Also, you can have apple, peach, and pear juice. But make sure that your child does not overdose on canned juices during clinical symptoms of constipation. Canned juices also contain artificial ingredients that may prove harmful to the baby.

Consuming fiber is also beneficial

Consuming fiber is also considered a remedy for constipation in children. In addition, high fiber intake is recommended for treating constipation in both the young and the elderly. During constipation, if the child is given fiber-rich foods, it can help reduce the severity of constipation. You can add fruits, vegetables, porridge, pulses, and beans to your baby’s diet to get plenty of fiber. For example, bananas are a great source of fiber, according to survey, one banana contains three grams of fiber. The taste of banana is so delicious that children also like to consume it, so if your child is suffering from constipation then you can feed him banana regularly.

Exercise is also beneficial

Exercise is considered very important to reduce the severity of constipation in children. Exercise here does not mean exercise by going to the gym. Rather, exercise refers to children playing, jumping and running. Try to get your child to play for thirty to sixty minutes a day.
Usually parents prevent children from jumping to play which is not a healthy trend at all. Children are less likely to become constipated if they play, jump, and run regularly.


The severity of constipation in children can also be reduced with the help of massage. If your baby is constipated, you can massage his stomach. Abdominal massage can be done in various ways. You can massage the baby’s belly in a clockwise pattern with the help of your fingers.