You will Surprised to know How Mango is useful for your Health

Whether the season is summer or winter, people love to use fruits and vegetables in their food and eating seasonal vegetables and fruits gives you good taste as well as good health because they contain a lot of vitamins and minerals. goes Now that the summer season has started and along with the intense heat, we are gifted with a fruit that is loved by almost everyone and this fruit is called mango. This sweet fruit is hard to resist when in front and loved by people of all ages, mango is the only fruit that is loved by children, old and young alike. In epidemiologic research reports by medical experts, the habit of eating mango has been described as having several health benefits, such as strengthening the immune system, improving digestive and vision health, and reducing the risk of certain types of cancer. So today we will inform you about the best benefits of mangoes as well as which people should not eat mangoes and he will also tell you some commands of the Holy Prophet, by following which you can avoid the possible harm caused by mangoes.

1- Cancer:

As we told you earlier, mangoes are high in polyphenols that can protect against oxidative stress that increases the risk of many types of cancer. Several research reports have discovered that the polyphenols in mangoes can help prevent or kill excess cancer cells by reducing oxidative stress. In addition, according to medical experts, the antioxidants in mangoes help to protect the intestines and blood. Reduces the risk of cancer. While they also play an effective role against throat cancer. According to a research, mango clone proves to be an important weapon against cancer.

2- Immunity:

Mango is the best fruit to strengthen the immune system. One cup of sliced ​​mango provides the body with 10% of the daily requirement of vitamins. The vitamin is essential for a healthy immune system that helps fight disease, while its deficiency increases the risk of various diseases. This vitamin makes more white blood cells to fight diseases. Mango is also rich in folate, vitamin K, vitamin C and several other vitamins which also helps the immune system.


Mangoes are rich in iron which is a great remedy for patients suffering from anemia. Consuming a mango daily increases the amount of red blood cells in the body and reduces the risk of anemia.

4- Bone strength:

Deficiency of vitamin K and calcium weakens bones, which increases the risk of fractures. Vitamin K is found in abundance in fruits and vegetables, and mango also contains vitamin K, which strengthens bones and calcium. It also provides easy absorption.

5-Cardiovascular diseases:

This fruit contains nutrients that support a healthy heart, for example, magnesium and potassium are found in mangoes, which help to relax blood vessels, reduce blood pressure and achieve a healthy pulse. provide Mangoes also contain a unique antioxidant that helps protect heart cells from oxidative stress and cell death.

6- Obesity:

As many nutrients and minerals are hidden in mango, after eating mango you feel full and feel good. Along with this, the high fiber content in mango helps in digestion and burns those unwanted calories in the body.

7- Vision:

This fruit does not lack components that support healthy vision, two of the most important components are antioxidants such as lutein and xanthine, which accumulate in the cornea, which helps the eyes convert light into brain signals. What are they looking at? Mangoes also contain a good amount of vitamin E, which is a vitamin that is good for eyesight. Vitamin E deficiency can lead to dry eyes and night blindness in more severe cases.

8- Mental Ability:

Mangoes are also helpful in increasing brain power. Mangoes are rich in vitamins that promote optimal brain development. Mangoes are rich in glutamine which is believed to be beneficial for memory.

9- Digestive System:

This fruit has several properties that make it ideal for digestion. It contains specific enzymes that help break down large chunks of food. These enzymes convert complex carbohydrates into glucose, etc. in ripe mangoes. These enzymes are very active and hence the fruit is sweeter. Similarly, mangoes are high in water content and dietary fiber is also part of it, so this fruit can be helpful in preventing diseases like constipation and cholera.

10- Sugar:

Mangoes are high in sweeteners, which was feared to be harmful to diabetics, but new research has shown that diabetics whose blood sugar levels are often low It is very useful because it contains a lot of minerals and vitamins and is easily absorbed by the body and does not reduce the amount of glucose in the blood. In addition, if you eat mango occasionally, then eat jamun after it. Sugar can be kept in moderation.


The best way to prevent high blood sugar from eating mangoes is to not eat too much at one time and consult a dietician. Do not eat too much, but even after eating two slices, see if the blood sugar level has not increased and then determine how much more will be better in the coming days, and yes, avoid drinking mango juice because it contains sweetness. The quantity is high and it is better to eat this fruit during the day, on the day you eat it, do not consume any other food that has high amount of sugar. Eating too many mangoes, the high fructose content in them, causes an increase in sugar as well as uric acid. Now we will tell you some tips about the medical Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, through which you will be able to take full advantage of mangoes. Mango is a favorite food of almost everyone But, most of the people are not careful while eating it or they don’t know the right way to eat it and harm their health. So today we will tell you the right way to eat mangoes with reference to the Prophet of Medicine, so that you can take full advantage of it and avoid possible harm. It is mentioned in the blessed hadiths that the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used dates in different ways.

Sometimes He used to eat them mixed with milk and sometimes He used to eat cucumbers mixed with melons or water melons and also explained His wisdom that in this way the heat of dates can be moderated by the cooling of these mentioned things i.e. balance can be done. We have just explained the meaning of the blessed hadith about how the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used to eat dates mixed with other things. In the light of the same hadith, we also examine the king of fruits, mango, and also tell you other hadiths. The effect is hot, which can harm you, so you can use things after eating mango that can moderate its hot effect, as it is said in the blessed hadith that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) ate raw mangoes. I liked lassi very much, so after mango, we still have a custom of raw salty lassi. So, you should use it and keep the intention of the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam). Similarly, some people question whether it is appropriate to eat mango with food or eat it after noon. Both ways are fine. Yes, but you must drink milk or raw lassi after eating mango because, milk and raw lassi are the favorite foods of Arabs and you (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used to drink it with great enthusiasm, it will make fresh blood and the blood that is in your body will circulate more quickly.

For your convenience, Following is the description in Urdu: